TAISEIDO Acupuncture and Moxibustion Clinic
What are "Acupuncture" and "Moxibustion"?
Acupuncture is one of the medical treatment of Chinese traditional medicine which has been recognized worldwide.
Putting about 5cm needles in these acupuncture points will revitalize the power of spontaneous healing which will mend and heal your sickness or injury.
Treatment and Price
- We accept major credit cards
- We only accept Japanese Yen
- Prices below are in Japanese Yen and all relevant tax included
- Duration of the treatment is just an estimation and it might change depends on your condition

We accept major credit cards!
General Acupuncture and Moxibustion

Customized and personalized treatment for your symptoms with Acupuncture and Moxibustion will improve the cause of the symptoms.
Duration of the Treatment: About 60min.
Price First Treatment
(Inc. tax) Visit Fee
Student \ 4,320 \ 3,240
General \ 8,640 \ 5,400
Intensive Acupuncture and Moxibustion

This course will take care of one of the spot from neck, shoulders, lower back or knees where many people suffers.
(Please ask us if you would like to get other spot treated upon the inquiry/booking)
Duration of the Treatment: About 30min.
Price First Treatment
(Inc. tax) Visit Fee
General \ 6,480 \ 3,240
Lymphatic Massage

We do lymphatic massage after stabilizing your body balance with acupuncture and moxibustion.
Acupuncture and moxibustion which removes causes of the stuck of the lymph circulation for better body function, internal environment and achieve better result on your beauty will give you better result of the lymphatic massage.
(Please inform us if you would not prefer getting acupuncture and moxibustion treatment upon the inquiry/booking)
Duration of the Treatment: about 90min.
Price First Treatment
(Inc. tax) Visit Fee
General \ 14,040 \ 10,800
Thurs. \ 9,800 \ 9,800
※ \ 2,160 will be charged for every 15min. extension after the standard treatment
Beauty Acupuncture

Every skin is under different conditions.
We will take time to do pre interview/check before the treatment to understand exact condition to conduct the most suitable treatment on the wrinkles (nasolabial folds, crow's feet, forehead, blow etc), dull skin, dark circles under eyes, lift-ups etc for the healthier skin in cell level.
Simple Course
Nano care steam pack
Acupuncture treatment (2 needles)
Beauty acupuncture on affected areas (up to 10 circle press needles)
Walnut moxibustion (to improve blood circulation on the face)
Duration of the Treatment: about 30min.
Standard Course
Nano care steam pack
Acupuncture treatment (2 needles)
Beauty acupuncture on affected areas (up to 20 circle press needles)
Walnut moxibustion (to improve blood circulation on the face)
Carbon dioxide gas facial pack (to improve skin metabolism)
Duration of the Treatment: about 45min.
Deluxe Course
Nano care steam pack
Acupuncture treatment (as many as required)
Beauty acupuncture on affected areas (as many as required)
Walnut moxibustion (to improve blood circulation on the face)
Carbon dioxide gas facial pack (to improve skin metabolism)
Duration of the Treatment: about 70min.
Price First Treatment
(Inc. tax) Visit Fee
Simple Course
General \ 6,480 \ 3,240
Standard Course
General \ 8,460 \ 5,400
Deluxe Course
General \ 14,040 \ 10,800
Atopy Treatment

Each patient of the atopy has different cause and body constitution. We conduct acupuncture and moxibustion to supress inflammation to control itching then regenerate skin barrier function and enrich skin.
We also do the counselling of the diet for better condition, how to clip nails etc.
Duration of the Treatment: about 60min.
Price First Treatment
(Inc. tax) Visit Fee
General \ 8,640 \ 5,400
※ We suggest to visit our clinic at least once a week. Please ask our staff if you would require more than twice a week due to the severe symptoms as we can offer some discounted rate.
Partial Slimming <Limited Time Course>
We use cavitation machine around stomach and chest with acupuncture and moxibustion treatment which gives better result on slimming the stomach area and bulking up the chest.
Duration of the Treatment: about 60min.
Price First Treatment
(Inc. tax) Visit Fee
General \ 3,240 \ 3,780
※ Please be noted that this course is an monitoring course and for only those who;
① is male
② is heavier than 70kg
③ allows us to take images during the treatment and permit us to display on our websites
To make inquiry, please call on(03)6323 8363 or fill out the "Inquiry Form" below then click "SUBMIT".
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Inquiry Form
* is mandatory field
Consultation Hours
Mon to Fri: 10:00 ~ 20:00
Sat: Please make a reservation by the day before if you require the treatment on Saturday
Sun & Public Holidays: Closed
Taiseido Acupuncture and
Moxibustion Clinic
Address: 🏣 160-0022
Tokyo, JAPAN
Tel: (03) 6323 8363
From "Higashi Shinjuku Station"
5min. walk from A2 exit
※ Please call us on (03)6323 8363 if you are not sure how to get to the clinic.